18 – Dashboard design

Day 18 and we are trying to help out as much as we can!

Gift buying left and right, we hope you will find some time to put down some statistics. And when you do, you will surely need a dashboard! Well today is not about a dashboard per se, but about elements that are used to interpret complicated data.

Ivana gifted us with this lovely design today, and here is what she has to say about it!

“Unbelievable, my freebie today is not about “symbolception”!
It’s another entertaining thing – dashboard! Designing one is always fun – finding the best way to interpret complex data visually is a challenge. And bigger problem more fun!
But with this freebie, the challenge was different. Since not designing real dashboard but something that could be reused by other designers, I needed to create and put together elements that could be used in different contexts. I hope it will find its use!”

Here is the preview, enjoy the freebie!



Stay happy, relax and see you tomorrow!